Companies with biggest annual turnover increase

100 companies with the highest turnover increase in 2017 compared to the turnover of 2016.
Statistics include only companies having the taxation period of at least 10 months and the annual turnover of 2016 of more than 140 thousand EUR.
The statistics do not include banks, insurance companies, credit unions and investment management companies, as well as companies that have not yet submitted their annual reports.
Breakdown of the companies included in the statistics by activity types is available in a separate statistical report.
The reporting year is the year, for which the annual reports are submitted.

Administrative and territorial reform was implemented in Latvia on 01.07.2009. Therefore, it is assumed in these statistics that address of the subjects registered before the reform corresponds to the new administrative-territorial division.

Lursoft statistics from the information available in the Commercial Register for the period between 01.01.1997 and 13.03.2025.

The statistics were updated on 13.03.2025, at 19:23:31

The statistics are also available in the XLS and TXT formats.

Municipality / town
Talsu novads
NoCompanyNACEType of business (according to NACE)Turnover, EURAgainst 2016
1TAIMIŅŠ, SIA(Dissolved 26.11.2024)10.20Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs1,239,384.008.13 times
2PRIEDES AG, SIA02.20Logging5,501,337.003.89 times
3Add Power-KN, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību(Dissolved 02.09.2020)41.20Construction of residential and non-residential buildings725,860.003.61 times
4RRB būvmateriāli, SIA41.20Construction of residential and non-residential buildings809,262.002.68 times
5RĀNDA, SIA(Dissolved 16.12.2021)10.20Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs727,944.002.64 times
6VERTEX, Akciju sabiedrība02.10Silviculture and other forestry activities2,722,020.002.54 times
7ADAX, SIA35.30Steam and air conditioning supply381,599.002.31 times
8JAUNIE CEĻI, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību42.11Construction of roads and motorways1,887,058.002.29 times
9LUUX TRANS, SIA49.41Freight transport by road646,037.002.17 times
10G & I 2010, SIA02.20Logging419,386.002.12 times
11M & S GRĪDAS, SIA(Dissolved 28.07.2023)41.20Construction of residential and non-residential buildings638,047.002.07 times
12MEŽS, SIA(Dissolved 27.03.2024)02.20Logging434,179.0099%
13Čiekurs DF, SIA02.20Logging813,996.0098%
14Votek, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību46.61Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies491,415.0098%
15SAN B, SIA43.22Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation613,442.0095%
16OM CEDERS, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību41.20Construction of residential and non-residential buildings1,083,518.0093%
17I.S.D., SIA20.14Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals9,665,773.0091%
18MER-KUR, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību03.11Marine fishing845,679.0090%
19Balti Construction, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību41.20Construction of residential and non-residential buildings452,178.0090%
20TOLMETS TUKUMS, SIA38.11Collection of non-hazardous waste2,320,485.0084%
Number of entries
Total on page20
From 1 to 20 of 100 rows

Explanations of table columns

  • Turnover, EUR - The company’s turnover in 2017.
  • Against 2016 - Changes in the company’s turnover in 2017 as against the turnover of 2016. If the proportion of changes does not exceed 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula ((turnover of 2017 - turnover of 2016) / turnover of 2016) x 100. If the proportion of changes is 100% or exceeds 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula (turnover of 2017 / turnover of 2016).
Attention!In case of publishing or quoting, reference to the source of the Statistics - Lursoft - is mandatory.