Companies with biggest annual turnover

100 companies with the highest annual turnover in 2011, comparing their changes with the last three years.
Statistics include only companies having the taxation period of at least 10 months.
The statistics do not include banks, insurance companies, credit unions and investment management companies, as well as companies that have not yet submitted their annual reports.
Breakdown of the companies included in the statistics by activity types is available in a separate statistical report.
The reporting year is the year, for which the annual reports are submitted.

Administrative and territorial reform was implemented in Latvia on 01.07.2009. Therefore, it is assumed in these statistics that address of the subjects registered before the reform corresponds to the new administrative-territorial division.

n/d - no data

Lursoft statistics from the information available in the Commercial Register for the period between 01.01.2000 and 13.03.2025.

The statistics were updated on 13.03.2025, at 19:05:10

The statistics are also available in the XLS and TXT formats.

Municipality / town
Viļānu novads
NoCompanyNACEType of business (according to NACE)Turnover, EURAgainst 2010Against 2009Against 2008
1AĻŅI AS, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību16.10Sawmilling and planing of wood6,400,375.0011%29%9%
2PRIEDAINE, SIA01.11Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds3,450,895.0020%31%-34%
3VLAKON, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību08.12Operation of gravel and sand pits; mining of clays and kaolin2,566,485.0036%2.12 times-14%
4LAUMIŅA 1, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību47.11Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating1,646,953.007%3%-20%
5Stružānu kūdras fabrika, Akciju sabiedrība08.92Extraction of peat1,307,086.0023%-24%-37%
6LOPKOPĪBAS IZMĒĢINĀJUMU STACIJA LATGALE, Akciju sabiedrība01.41Raising of dairy cattle1,070,977.0018%49%-6%
7Agrofirma Viļāni, Akciju sabiedrība01.50Mixed farming939,838.0049%85%0%
8UNKO R, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību49.41Freight transport by road863,685.0021%45%-39%
9VIĻĀNU LAUKTEHNIKA, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību16.10Sawmilling and planing of wood796,114.0038%75%12%
10VIĻĀNI, Lauksaimniecības pakalpojumu kooperatīvā sabiedrība46.33Wholesale of dairy products, eggs and edible oils and fats721,866.0046%3.71 times98%
11KŅAVAS GRANULAS, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību(Dissolved 15.03.2022)35.11Production of electricity612,465.0066%17.73 times53.52 times
12EE ACS, SIA49.41Freight transport by road536,495.002.06 times3.61 times2.17 times
13BALTĀ APTIEKA K.I., Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību47.73Dispensing chemist in specialised stores491,949.007%17%5%
14ASŅINI II, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību47.11Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating486,431.007%7%-14%
15SAIMNIECĪBA, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību(Dissolved 25.11.2020)47.19Other retail sale in non-specialised stores400,321.00-1%97%57%
16Per Frandsen, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību01.11Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds389,447.0036%4.70 timesn/d
17VIĻĀNU NAMSAIMNIEKS, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību(Reorganized 13.12.2023)81.10Combined facilities support activities376,142.00-7%1%15%
18JN SMIRNOVI, SIA16.10Sawmilling and planing of wood361,190.003%34%-1%
19SRG, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību47.11Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating354,671.0023%2.48 timesn/d
20LATGALES CILTSLIETU UN MĀKSLĪGĀS APSĒKLOŠANAS STACIJA, Akciju sabiedrība01.62Support activities for animal production348,606.00-15%-26%-29%
Number of entries
Total on page20
From 1 to 20 of 82 rows

Explanations of table columns

  • Turnover, EUR - The company’s turnover in 2011.
  • Against 2010 - Changes in the company’s turnover in 2011 as against the turnover of 2010. If the proportion of changes does not exceed 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula ((turnover of 2011 - turnover of 2010) / turnover of 2010) x 100. If the proportion of changes is 100% or exceeds 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula (turnover of 2011 / turnover of 2010).
  • Against 2009 - Changes in the company’s turnover in 2011 as against the turnover of 2009. If the proportion of changes does not exceed 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula ((turnover of 2011 - turnover of 2009) / turnover of 2009) x 100. If the proportion of changes is 100% or exceeds 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula (turnover of 2011 / turnover of 2009).
  • Against 2008 - Changes in the company’s turnover in 2011 as against the turnover of 2008. If the proportion of changes does not exceed 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula ((turnover of 2011 - turnover of 2008) / turnover of 2008) x 100. If the proportion of changes is 100% or exceeds 100%, the proportion of changes is stated by the formula (turnover of 2011 / turnover of 2008).
Attention!In case of publishing or quoting, reference to the source of the Statistics - Lursoft - is mandatory.