Dynamics of the enterprises registered in the Register of Enterprises by business form

Registration dynamics of companies by years broken down into business forms.

Administrative and territorial reform was implemented in Latvia on 01.07.2009. Therefore, it is assumed in these statistics that address of the subjects registered before the reform corresponds to the new administrative-territorial division.

Lursoft statistics from the information available in the Commercial Register for the period between 01.01.1991 and 03.03.2025.

The statistics were updated on 03.03.2025, at 00:39:32

The statistics are also available in the XLS and TXT formats.

Municipality / town
Aizputes novads
NoEntrepreneurship formRegister20212022202320242025Total 2021-2025TotalActive
1Limited liability company (SIA)Commercial Register28171720284548336
2Individual business (IK)Commercial Register32430127939
3Farm (ZEM)Register of Enterprises200002461294
4General partnership (PS)Commercial Register10000141
5Subsidiary (FIL)Commercial Register00000010
6Stock corporation (AS)Commercial Register00000032
7Municipal enterprise (PSV)Register of Enterprises00000060
8Limited liability company (SIA)Register of Enterprises000000641
9State enterprise (VU)Register of Enterprises00000020
10Subsidiary (FIL)Register of Enterprises00000030
11Individual enterprise (IND)Register of Enterprises00000011546
12Stock corporation (AS)Register of Enterprises00000010
13Commanding enterprise (KS)Register of Enterprises00000010
14Cooperative society (KB)Register of Enterprises0000003314
15Share enterprise (PAJ)Register of Enterprises00000080
Number of entriesTotal
Total on page15341921232991,329733
From 1 to 15 of 15 rows

Explanations of table columns

  • Total 2021-2025 - Total number of registered companies in the selected period of years in the respective business form and register.
  • Total - Total number of registered companies in all years in the respective business form and register.
  • Active - Number of active companies at the time of updating the statistics in the respective business form and register.
Attention!In case of publishing or quoting, reference to the source of the Statistics - Lursoft - is mandatory.