Number of active companies broken down into activity types

Number of active companies registered in 2023 broken down into activity types.
A company that has been registered before 2023 and has continued operations in 2023 is also regarded as an active company during 2023.

Administrative and territorial reform was implemented in Latvia on 01.07.2009. Therefore, it is assumed in these statistics that address of the subjects registered before the reform corresponds to the new administrative-territorial division.

Lursoft statistics from the information available in the Commercial Register for the period between 01.01.2000 and 03.03.2025.

The statistics were updated on 03.03.2025, at 00:39:32

The statistics are also available in the XLS and TXT formats.

Municipality / town
No NACE Type of business (according to NACE) Number
Number of entries Total
Total on page
Attention!In case of publishing or quoting, reference to the source of the Statistics - Lursoft - is mandatory.